Thank you for reaching out.

We need your help, and make a few asks of you today so you can get started:

  1. Please join us to keep apprised of future actions (scroll to “Join the Rebellion”).
  2. If you haven’t, please come to our talks, trainings, and/or gatherings to get to know XR.  And bring two friends! See our Events or Facebook to find upcoming events.
  3. Please connect with us so we can stay in touch, and invite your friends:


The coronavirus has unleashed widespread suffering and hardship, yet this is only a dress rehearsal for what’s in store if business as usual continues. Corporations are killing us, and our governments and financial institutions enable them. The fossil fuel, airline, factory farm, automotive and fast fashion industries bear major responsibility for a climate and ecological crisis far more destructive and widespread than the coronavirus.

Will our governments continue business as usual, bailing out giant corporations begging for billions and hurtling us towards further catastrophe? Or will we unite to demand our governments invest in people and a sustainable future for our all?

Commit to change, or stay closed for good!
We need jobs and industries in service of resilient, just, and sustainable futures.


Join the rebellion